Before talking about PM2.5, let’s have a look at the concept of PM10. In the air we are breathing every moment, there are plenty of particle matters which are named as Total Suspended Particulate(TSP). TSP is a major component of air pollutants, the ones of which with their diameter below 10 μm are termed as PM10, or inhalable particles. Inhalable particles, with negative effects to human health and atmospheric visibility, mainly come from pollen and dust blown by wind.
After getting the concept of PM10, it becomes easy to comprehend that of PM2.5. PM2.5, or say repairable particle, similarly means the particles smaller than 2.5μm. Their main source is combustion of fossil fuel like vehicle exhaust, fire coal and VOCs. PM2.5 is much more harmful than PM10 . Researches show that comparing with PM10, PM2.5 contains larger amount of poisonous and harmful substances, stays longer and goes further, so it has stronger influence on human body and air quality. What’s worse, particles over 2.5μm can be blocked by nose and respiratory mucosa, and be eliminated from the body. But PM2.5, with its tiny diameter equaling to 1/20 of hair, can directly go through human organs and reaching the lung, leading to diseases like asthma, bronchitis and CVD.
In order to avoid the harms of pm2.5 and protect our health, we can take the following actions:
(1) Wear PM2.5 mask. Mask made of cleancool can not only prevent dust and PM2.5, but also eliminate “super-bacteria” that can survive from antibiotics. When breathing, especially in crowded conditions like subway stations, people are inhaling plenty of PM2.5 which poses risk to human health. A mask can effectively solve this problem.
(2)Do not smoke or smoke as few as possible. There are lots of PM2.5 in cigarette smog which can hazard human body directly or indirectly. If you cannot stop people from smoking ,then try to keep away from the smog he produce.
(3)Do not do morning exercise in foggy days. It is mainly PM2.5 that forms the fog, so you may breathe more PM2.5 if you do sports in foggy weather. A proper mask is needed in such weather, and tough activities should be avoided.
Here we ISWeek would like to recommend several sensors for smart homes to detect PM2.5 and PM10.

Features of civil used PM2.5 sensor PDSM010:
* Customized sensitivity for effective control in applications
* Capable of detecting 1μm particles
* MCU control (factory calibrated)
* Simple maintenance
* PWM output (low logic pulse activation)
* Noise resistance

Features of civil used PM2.5 sensor TF-LP01:
* High accuracy
* Fast response
* Tiny size